For those who enjoy starting their day with Holy Communion, a Lay Led worship service with prayer, scripture, brief meditation, and Holy Communion is available each Sunday at 8:00 a.m. in Room 101. (Note: In our United Methodist tradition, all are invited and welcome to share in Holy Communion.)
Join us in Room 103 for an engaging discussion on various sections of the Bible, its contents, and learn more about the background of those of whom it is written and their lives. This is a wonderful way to experience fellowship and learn more about the Bible. The classes are taught by Judge Gerald Williams.
Refreshments are available in the Fellowship Hall (or occasionally on the patio). Everyone is welcome and a special invitation is extended to newcomers to come over to the Hall before worship for refreshments and an opportunity to get acquainted.
The worship service, led by Senior Pastor Tom Jelinek, is traditional in liturgy, music, and preaching. Congregational singing is led by our Rogers organ and special music is provided each week by our Chancel Choir. During the summer months, special music is provided by our excellent church musicians or soloists.
Immediately following the Service please join us in the Fellowship Hall for coffee and refreshments. This is another wonderful way to get acquainted with the Church Family.
We are located at 7102 N. 58th Drive, Glendale, AZ 85301 in the heart of Historic Downtown Glendale. Parking is located in the church parking lot to the north of the Fellowship Hall. There is also a covered parking garage located to the east of the church. All parking is free of charge.
We’d love to hear from you and help answer any questions you have about Glendale First United Methodist Church. Give us a call at 623-939-1409. The Church Office is open Monday thru Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. We look forward to talking with you!
We have a dedicated group of volunteers that are at the Church every Sunday ready to welcome you. They have newcomer packets, a photo of our historic sanctuary, a brochure about the church, and a copy of our monthly newsletter. They even have a sweet treat for you! We look forward to seeing you!
Unable to join us in person? You can join us online by going to Youtube. Go to the “First United Methodist Church of Glendale” page. You can also Click HERE.
Proudly Outside the Crowd Read: Isaiah 55: 6-9 Read: Luke 13: 1-5
New and Improved Read: 2Corninthians 5:16-21