At First Glendale you will find many opportunities to learn, to grow in your faith and make lasting friendships with people who have made First Glendale their home. We invite you to find a group that interests you and become a part of our church family. Please contact the church office for current times and locations of classes and activities. (623) 939-1409

Sunday Morning Classes

The Adult Class — 9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. in Room #103

The Adult Class is a lively study and discussion class open to adults of every age. Newcomers are always welcome! This is a wonderful place to begin your journey at First Glendale. We sometimes do a book study, and sometimes a video study but it is always connected to the Bible.

New Member Orientation Class — (see bulletin for schedule)

Whether you are interested in making First Glendale your church home or you would like to know more about who we are and what we believe, we invite you to attend a new member orientation class. Watch the bulletin and newsletter or check “Wish to Join” on the registration card and you will be contacted. You can also contact the Pastor.

Additional Opportunities

United Methodist Men — The United Methodist men meet occasionally throughout the year and work on projects around the Church. For more information, check out the Circuit Rider Newsletter.

First Methodist Women — Meetings are the first Saturday of each month in the Fellowship Hall (Refreshments at 9:30 a.m. and Meeting at 10 a.m.) First Methodist Women is a wonderful way to meet other women and be a part of mission and study projects.

Fortnighters — Join us for fun, food, fellowship, and a short program or activity. The goal is to meet and greet and build relationships. The meetings are held the second Thursday, September to May at 11 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.

Short Term or Midweek Opportunities for Study, Service and Fellowship — Short Term Studies (5-6 weeks) and midweek study opportunities are available throughout the year. Watch the events page and church newsletter for information. Most classes are listed on the monthly calendar.

Grief Support Group — If you are sad and/or grieving, come join us, we meet on Sundays at 11:30 a.m. and Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome. If you wish to find more of God’s joy in your life, please come and join us.

Craft Group — Please join us for a time of Crafts and Conversation. This group meets in the Fellowship Hall every Friday from 1o a.m. to Noon. Join in on the fun of arts and crafts projects. A nominal fee could apply to cover costs of supplies.