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VBS is scheduled for June 4-8. Our theme is Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus. We will meet in the evening for opening activities and a light meal and then proceed to a rotation of learning stations, including story time, science activities, games, etc. Then we head back to the Fellowship Hall for closing activities. VBS is open to all ages. Come one, come all and plan on having a great time ‐ see you there!
If you want to be part of the adult Bible study at VBS, contact Judy Cleaveland by phone or e‐mail so she can make sure she has enough books ordered. ([email protected])
Jeanne Rumbold is coordinating meals for us again this year. If your committee would like to help with a meal this year, please contact Jeanne.
If you would like to volunteer to help out, please contact Lisa Sanchez or leave a message with the office. Volunteer training will be May 19th in the Fellowship Hall from 1 pm-4 pm.
Set up will be on June 2 & 3.