Welcome to First United Methodist Church of Glendale, Arizona.  Our Education Team has carefully chosen our VBS theme for this year. ROAR is all about helping kids discover a ferocious faith that powers them through this wild life.  We will be joining Mack the rhino, Hooper the hoopoe bird, Marge the cape buffalo, Zion the lion, and Savanna the giraffe, as we explore the bible on this African adventure.

First United Methodist Church of Glendale is delighted to host ROAR the 2019 Vacation Bible School. VBS is a week long event with games, music, and lots of fun. Dinner is at 5:30 and VBS begins at 6pm.

June 3, 2019 — June 7, 2019

05:30 pm — 08:30 pm (MST)

As always, our VBS is available free, though donations are welcome.

Please sign up with our online registration system so we can plan for appropriate numbers for dinner.


Each day has a shirt color and animal.  The colors for each day are:

Monday: Yellow

Tuesday: Blue

Wednesday: Red

Thursday: Green

Friday: Animal Print or Brown

Adult VBS will be a separate event. It will be June 10, 2019 — June 14, 2019 from 6:00 – 7:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall.  Dinner will not be on offer for Adult VBS, but drinks will be available.