Music is the heart of worship at First Glendale. The acoustics of our Sanctuary are ideal for both choral and instrumental music. Whether a solo, the voices of our Chancel Choir, the upbeat music of our Contemporary praise band or the uplifting sound of people joining their voices in praise, you will find music a blessing at First Glendale.

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir provides music each Sunday at the worship service. They accompany the hymns, lead the responses, and provide a variety of music in their Sunday Anthems. The choir also provides special music during Advent, and Lent, as well as a Christmas or Easter Cantata.

Chancel Choir practices are held in the music room on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. and newcomers are ALWAYS welcome! The Chancel Choir is led by our Traditional Worship Music Director Larry Del Rae.

Drama, Musicians and Sacred Dance

There are many opportunities for you to share your gift of drama, music, or sacred dance at First Glendale. We are always looking for musicians, bell ringers, accompanists, and those who have been involved in drama or dance. If you would like to know how you can be involved in our music ministry contact Larry Del Rae, our Director of Music.